Saturday, May 19, 2018

Stencil It! Wear It! Henna Tattoo with Natalie May

Hi guys!

Natalie May here sharing a little something fun I created with my daughter last week!

You see ... I have a nearly 15 year old girl child who is turning into a great little human and like most teenage girls, she just loves all things pretty and a 'boho' ...  so I came up with the idea of giving her a henna tattoo using my fave stencil from Stencil Girl ... Deconstructed Double Zinnia Mask.

 Here are a few simple steps to try this at home ... (be sure to test the henna first in case of a reaction)

I used a Lindys Stamp Gang spray in a copper to completely cover the mask with colour.
I went with a Lindys Spray because I know it's non-toxic to the skin and will leave a clear image.

I then placed it on the middle of Jessica's back and placed a piece of paper towel over it and added pressure.

When I lifted it off, it left a great image for me to use for the henna

Once it was dry, I then sat down and carefully traced the image with henna. 
This is something I haven't done much before and it definitely takes practice!

I completely covered the image with the henna and then we left it for a couple of hours to dry before peeling it off - I would have liked to have left it on for longer but time wasn't on our side

Jessica really loved the outcome and spent the following days in a tank top showing it off!
It lasted over a week on her skin - I think next time we will try it, we will leave it on her skin longer so that it comes out darker!

Thanks for dropping by and I hope that you are having a great day!



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