
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Cardboard Recycle - Post Cards/Mail Art

Hey, it's Judy coming to you from the land of StencilGirl to show you a little fun I had recycling an old Portfolio Crayons box and using the Venetian Stencil by Carolyn Dube.  And, no clay today.. imagine that.

Ok... can I just say.. I was getting tired of opening the crayon box, sliding out the crayons, sliding them back. Back and forth. Where did I put that color? This side or that side? OK, fuhgeddaboudit! Time to take them all out and put them in a container so I can see them all.  So, in front of me, I had this box that had all these marking inside where the crayons laid.  I thought it would be a fun project to see what I could do with it using Carolyn's stencil.  Recycle here I come.  Let's go.

I sprayed the markings with water to activate them.

Now, I'm adding more crayon scribbles and smooshing them around to blend. 

 I wanted to add some Dylusion sprays to the cardboard to give it some messiness.

I used Carolyn Dube's Venetian stencil, but I split it up and flipped it around.

Let me note something here.  I know that acrylic paints ARE NOT supposed to go on top of oil pastels... but this is not a piece of art to sell.. it's just mail art to send to a friend or put in your journal. It probably won't last years. But, that's OK.. to me.  Stay with me here.

Using a cosmetic sponge, I added black acrylic paint through half the stencil on one card.

Then the same on the other card with the other half of the stencil.

This cardboard "stencil" below is from an Christmas box that I broke up.

Because there was a layer of crayon on the surface, I scraped off where the stencil would go.

Then I put back the stencil and put in some white acrylic paint.  I did that on both cards then on top of that I added yellow acrylic paint. (not shown)

I decided I wanted to scrap away the black paint and use the situation to my advantage. Because of the waxiness below the paint, it scratches off easy (resist).

Scratching out the windows and putting in yellow paint for a light glow. Knock, knock..Anybody home? I think it's Rapunzel's tower.

 Adding flowers in the center of the 3 windows with white paint.

Now it time to just add a little, tiny, whiny, insie winsie bit more of stenciling.  

Just a little touch on each card.

 See, isn't that better?

I added a few more touches of paint and my cards were done.

These cards measure approximately 3" x 5".

I hope you enjoyed this. I love taking a stencil and make more out of it by adding touches of YOU to it.  I also save a lot of cardboard sections from mail I get (StencilGirl stencil packaging is perfect) to recycle and make art with them.

Please visit my blog where I will be mailing each of these cards out to two winners. Let's see if they make it to you in one piece.

Thanks for visiting StencilGirl.. the happiest place on earth. Oh, wait.. I think that's Disneyworld.  No, it's StencilGirl. Carry on.



  1. Judy -you rocked this! Love the glowing lights and the crayon and all the touches you added to make this yours!

  2. Thanks, Carolyn. Love the stencil, too. Thanks, for that.

  3. What a great project, Judy. The process reminded me of the coloring resist projects we did in elementary school, ending up by creating something entirely new by scratching off that top layer of black crayon! A bit different with acrylic paints, I will add! I love how you used Carolyn's stencil for this project. Great embellishments, too, by using the crossed circles and squares stencil. I love recycling, Judy, so, to me, this is a win-win! I have to agree that not having supplies "at hand" means they don't get used. Now, you will use those crayons more often!!

  4. Brilliant additive and subtractive processes, Judy!
    Super inspiring!

  5. Wonderful layers....and thanks for all the tips.

  6. Gorgeous work! Love all that texture, and the colors rock!

  7. Judy, I love these...and I love your step by step process and what you were thinking along the way! Thanks! xo

  8. What a super tute from Judy Shea! Love that she spotted the possibilities in the empty box and reactived those crayon scratches to play with these stencils. Rapunzel never had it so good!


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