
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Just a few minutes with Mary Beth March 2019

I have been teaching at retreats and workshop venues for over ten years now. It is much like the world of art fairs (my prior occupation) in that I am a pack mule, except these days I transport supplies to each location rather than my actual artworks. You might not have considered that for each workshop taught, there are many many days behind the scene - developing samples, organizing the format of material taught, deciding on art materials to bring, develop and pack kits plus more. 

Not to mention the aftermath, returning home to collapse with exhaustion, yet full of new ideas and eager to do it all again. 

I recently taught at Creative Communion in Middletown, OH, a delightful venue where Glenda Miles has her studio and also facilitates a terrific classroom experience. Come along and watch snippets of my trip.....
And if you are looking for a weekend of creativity, consider the classes offered by Glenda at Creative Communion. An artsy restorative weekend was exactly what I needed! YUM!!

We hope you loved this episode of Just a few minutes with Mary Beth!

Stay tuned!
Mary Beth Shaw will be back again next month with another new VLOG post!


  1. Oh gosh you must of been so tired, but what a wonderful time.

  2. what a wonderful recap of a beautiful creative weekend! <3

  3. ooohhh, the site of the room and hearing MB talk about preparing is getting me excited about the workshop I'll be attending later this year! Oh, so creativity - I could feel it. :)
    Take care and STAY POSITIVE!


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