Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Inspiration From Our StencilClub Members--Day 3!!

Here is the third and final post in our StencilClub Inspiration for this round. We have showed you so many ways that our StencilClub members inspire us. If you LOVE stencils, this is the place to be! Here is even more even more inspiration!!!
Thank you to each and every person that posts in our club!
We LOVE seeing all your beautiful artwork!

Not a member?? 
The January 2015 stencils will be revealed on Thursday. 
Why not join us in 2015!
Get all the information HERE.

Denise Alloca

Tommy McDonell

Belen Sotelo

Cath Sheard

Christine Wasankari

Denise Huntington

Denise Alloca

Elaine Gitalis

Frieda Oxenham

Laurel Sherry

Linda Lifeschultz

Liz Shaw

Liz Shaw

Mak Cx

Marie Ragons

Pam Hall

Pat Halligan

Paula Scott

Raine Phoenix

Sandra Mathews

Tasha Freeman

Tasha Freeman

Tommy McDonell

Tommy McDonell

Thank you to each and every person that posts in our club!
We LOVE seeing all your beautiful artwork!

Not a member?? The January 2015 stencils will be revealed on Thursday. 
Why not join us in 2015!


  1. Such great inspiration! And how wonderful to see one of my own!

  2. What is incredible, and wonderful, is that we all produce such wildly different work despite being mad keen stencil users. the hand of the artist really does show through. Thanks for showing my work, too - I appreciate it.

  3. I've really loved seeing all of these awesome projects together... so much fabulous inspiration!


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

marybeth (at) stencilgirltalk (dot com)

Thank You!