Saturday, December 3, 2016

Jetsons meet Mid Century Modern Art in these 2 Holiday Stencils

The Holiday stencil comes to you from the mind of Mary Beth Shaw where the Jetsons, Mid Century Modern and Barkcloth decided to party. This large stencil gives you dozen different elements for cross-cultural card-making through the holidays and beyond. 

The small Holiday Sayings stencil has a plethora of sentiments for you to devise the perfect greeting for each special person.

Here's Mary Beth:

Members of our CreativeTeam and a StencilClub Voices member made additional samples. Check out the greeting cards that bloomed from the minds and hands of Gwen Lafleur, Mary C. Nasser, Cindy Spearman Gilstrap, and Sherry Canino:

Want more artful fun? Check out StencilGirl's Scoop! It has even more cards plus a game, videos, and tutorials. 

If you need to sign up for the Scoop, there is a link within the right column of this page.

Sparkle Greetings and Happy Happy Wishes to you and yours!


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To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

marybeth (at) stencilgirltalk (dot com)

Thank You!