In the Pink by Louise Nelson
Have you ever used a stencil as a completely different element? Check out the hair in Louise's painting. Can you guess the stencil?
It's a genius use of the large Windswept Tree Stencil by Cathy Taylor.
You can discover more of Louise's art on her Loolabelle Instagram page.
Sandee chose a wonderful stencil, Chain Mail by Mary Beth Shaw, to use to integrate these art journal pages.
Sandee shares her process on her Hills of North Carolina blog.

Here is a close up:
It's a genius use of the large Windswept Tree Stencil by Cathy Taylor.
You can discover more of Louise's art on her Loolabelle Instagram page.
Silence by Sandee Setliff
Sandee chose a wonderful stencil, Chain Mail by Mary Beth Shaw, to use to integrate these art journal pages.
Sandee shares her process on her Hills of North Carolina blog.

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