Tuesday, January 1, 2019

It's the first ever Mash Up for StencilClub between Mary Beth Shaw & Seth Apter!

When Mary Beth Shaw and Seth Apter get together to make art you know it is going to be wild and wonderful.

They each chose their faves and lucky StencilClub members reap the rewards! 

What a phenomenally exciting way to begin 2019!

You get randomly shaped tossed numbers, a long row of soft-edged squares and rectangles that look like adobe walls and doors turned one way or an interesting column, scribbled marks with interesting circles in the large stencil.

The mini is all about hashtags and hash marks. Again, turn the stencil and some of the marks become columns.

Thick drips, crisscrossed not necessarily circular buttons, and an element that could be a bridge (flipped up and down it makes a great background pattern) make up the small stencil. 

Watch the video and you'll get an idea of what is in store for StencilClub members!

You won't want to miss this first-time-ever Mash Up between Mary Beth Shaw and Set Apter's stencils.

Mary Beth and Seth riff off one another during this month's exclusive downloadable video and pdf,  all about special techniques you can employ in your art!

You can find out more and join StencilClub here.

Remember! StencilClub stencils ship the 15th of each month!


  1. So excited this is fantastic love you both, Happy New Year!

  2. Whenever I think, maybe I have enough stencils, and should take a break from the Club, another fantastic group of stencils emerges from SG. This month is so very exciting. Two of my fave artists have done a "mash up" and created some fabulous stencils for us Club members. Nevermind, I WILL NEVER HAVE ENOUGH STENCILS, EVER!!!

  3. Not to mention, I use Seth's numbers stencils in so many of my works. Picked it up at Mary Beths workshop and its been a favorite ever since. An one can always use more grid patterns

  4. Oh love this set sooo much! Extremely versatile, as per usual. :)


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marybeth (at) stencilgirltalk (dot com)

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