Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Mary Beth Shaw's VLOG: December 2020

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Just a few minutes with Mary Beth!

Stay tuned!
Mary Beth Shaw will be back again next month with another new VLOG post!


  1. I would like to know the details of those pictures/art you have in your background there. They are gorgeous! Thank you for all you do. You have no idea how much you've helped me through this difficult year. Juliefrokjer(at)gmail(dot com)

  2. Wow, I am so glad that I found you this year! With so many stencils to choose from - what is your absolute favorite stencil - the one that you keep coming back to? kbadrak(at)comcast(dotnet)

  3. I have so enjoyed your videos and wonderful tips that you share. What was the catalyst to start a stencil business? Lisa3mon (at) yahoo(dot com)

  4. Who is your favorite mixed media artist and why?

  5. What’s your best organization method either for your art table and/or your papers?
    I’m so glad to have “met” you this year! I’ve learned so much by just watching you work and trying out some of your techniques .
    Joanshannonjung (at) Gmail (dot com)

  6. How did you find/discover your artistic voice?
    Estella (@) PlanetCreativeStudios (dot) com

  7. Not necessarily a vlog based question, but is there any chance that you & Seth will re-book the three day class you had set in Albuquerque for Nov 2020, once again in Albuquerque? Fingers crossed
    susanwarder(at)gmail(dot com)

  8. One more, thank you for all of the videos you have shared. What a treat and what a joy!

  9. I would like to know how often do you sit down to make art? Do you ever find that it's hard to start? Sometimes when I sit down I stare down at that blank page I get a little frustrated does that ever happen to you? How do you get started? ladt50 (at) aol (dot com)

  10. Hi, Mary Beth! Happy holidays from Colorado! I'd like to know whether and how your art changes when you travel. For instance, if you travel where there are pinecones, do you find them showing up in your work for a while? If, by chance, you pick my question, I'd love for you to give the gift certificate to someone who might be struggling with finances this year and needs the stencils to keep them settled during this crazy time. <3

  11. I would like to see a video using the stencils with masks.

  12. Hi Mary Beth. Happy holidays! Thank you for all you've provided all year long. I love watching you create. Can you shed some light on the use of stencils in encaustic art? Using them and cleaning them. Being new at this, I've made a mess and ruined a few stencils! I know there must be some tricks of the trade. Happy holidays to you and your family. redrider55(at)gmail(dot com)

  13. Hi Mary Beth!! love all the stencils you have, I've learned so much this last year about how to use stencils in my work I didn't realize how versatile they are & can be, so my question to you is after this pandemic finally ends will you still be doing as many facebook mad science sessions?? I have enjoyed them so much !! feel like I know you.....My other question would be if you are able to teach live classes again would you ever do one in New England area? Thank you Neda (the "E" in my name is an short "E")

  14. my email for the previous comment is

  15. Hi, I enjoy your shares, mad scientist etc. I'd love to see how your stencils are made.
    Thanks for all you do

  16. Hi Mary Beth,
    This is a great idea! I have two questions:
    If a stencil gets torn, it there a way to repair it?
    Do you make custom stencils if we gave an idea and would like it made?

  17. Hi Mary Beth,
    I too want to thank you for all of the art tips and inspiration you shared this crazy year. I looked forward to seeing your Facebook Lives and I know it gave me and many others something fun to look forward to each time. I would like to know how you select artist that design for Stencil Girl Products? Thank you again for everything and so looking forward to seeing you in person in 2021!
    Jimini1978 (at) gmail (dotcom)

  18. Hi Mary Beth,
    I have recently started eco-printing. I placed stencils (Stencil Girls and other brands) in the steaming bundles between the substrates and the treated foliage. The stencils came out undamaged, but there was no trace of the images.
    I used some paper doilies and cupcake wrappers in the same bundles, and they left distinct images. So, I assume that the papers stuck to the substrates (all papers) and the dye from the foliage did not penetrate. I also assume that the stencils did not bond to the substrates tightly enough and the dyes seeped underneath.
    Any ideas how to fix this situation? I can send photos, if that will help. Using masking or painter’s tape won’t help because the adhesives dissolve in the steam. I could get some amazing images if I could add stencils to this process.
    Victoria Bergesen

  19. Hi Mary Beth I just love your videos and thank you so much for sharing your creative inspiration and talent with us. I would like to know when you find yourself traveling in the past or currently and want to do art on the go it is hard to decide what to take/leave. So my question is: What are your best tips for what supplies would you suggest to take when traveling to maximize possibilities, what you do to prep if anything before you go and how to organize the supplies so you can continue to create on the go when you travel. Thank you again for for all you do to inspire. My email is cheri.duchrow(at)sbcglogal(dot)net.

  20. Hey there Mary Beth, You're a busy lady! Thank you, for all the videos you share with us. I enjoy them so much! My favorites are watching you work in your journal. I hope we see more of those. There are so many great stencils, I would like to know how you choose the stencils for a page. I saw a video of you showing bundles papers from your stash but it was too late to buy them. I wanted to know if you will do another sale from your stash. Thank you for being a bright spot during this pandemic. Wishing the best to you and your family during the new year. dscunningham1(at)gmail(dot com)


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marybeth (at) stencilgirltalk (dot com)

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