Thursday, January 23, 2014

Creative Ways to Store Your Stencils

Stencil creativity isn't just for art - it is also for figuring out how to store the stencils!   As I, Carolyn, followed up on the Tale of Goldilocks and her Stencil Storage I learned there are lots of creative people getting hooked!  J Hooked that is!  

The J Hook.  The hanging tab.  Whatever it's called, it is magic when it comes to storing stencils!  There are so many ways to store your stencils but they all seem to need some way to hang them.  

The easiest place I have found to get my hands on them is at Uline.  I buy them by the 500's and you might think that is a lot...but no.  I use these hang tabs to store stencils as well as other supplies.  Amazon occassionally has them here.  It might say not available, but every couple of weeks they seem to become available again.

Getting the Clip It Up is getting harder since Simply Renee is closing so the supply is limited.  That didn't stop Karin!  She bought an extremely affordable shoe rack on Amazon and created a stencil tree! She was even nice enough to make a video showing how she converted it for stencils
Photo and shoe rack idea from Karin Boulanger

Creative Team member Linda Kittmer used closet shelving to create a way to store her stencils.  Very easy for her to see what she has, get her hands on them quickly, and she has a shelf up above to store her magazines!  Check out her full post over on her blog.
Photo and shelf idea from Linda Kittmer

 Celeste created a stencil rack just the right size and height for her workspace by using the wire frame of a lamp and J hooks to hold the stencils.  Love that it takes up very little desk space!

Photo and lamp idea from Celeste Beck

Liven Geelmuyden striped the shade off a wire lampshade but she hung it from the ceiling right over her sink so when her stencils are dripping and drying it goes right into the sink.  That way it doesn't take up any space on her counter.  I am now looking at the ceiling as a storage option!  
Photo and hanging shade idea by Liven Geelmuyden

Over on my blog,, I have a video tutorial on adding some color to the dividers I use for sorting my stencils.  Click on over to aColorfulJourney to enter the stencil and J Hook giveaway!

Carolyn Dube


  1. I found some of the hooks on Esty from a seller named retrosite. I store mine on my pegboard.

  2. Thanks for linking to my blog Carolyn. I still love this storage method and it's all thanks to you and your inspirational Goldilocks post!

    1. We'll you have inspired me right back with your post. Next time we redo the studio area there will definitely be wire shelving to hang goodies on!

  3. Very innovative storage ideas...thanks.

  4. I love all this sharing. I have yet to get some storage for my poor crowded stencils, sitting in a drawer.

  5. I am currently storing my stencils in a 12x12 scrapbook album! But, that is now overflowing. I seem to be a crafter that embraces "out of sight, out of mind." I have so much stuff, including stencils, that I am not using. I need to get them out so that I can see them. Lots of good ideas here. I am going to look at shoe racks differently now! ;-) Mwah! KayW

  6. Kay and I have the same idea. I store my 12 x 12 stencils in a large scrapbook album and my smaller 6x6 in a smaller scrapbook album and purchased the photo inserts 4 on a page of 6x6. That's 8 to a page which works pretty nice. I do however have to go thru both (rather 3) books to remind myself what I have. I couldn't keep my stencils out in the open because there is not one inch in my art room left. Thanks for the ideas!

  7. i use display books in a5, a4 and a3 sizes keeps the stencils clean as well as protecting them.


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