Monday, September 1, 2014

REVEAL of the September 2014 StencilClub Stencils from StencilGirl

Today is the day!!!!
September 2014 EXCLUSIVE StencilClub Stencils
designed by.....

THREE little stencils.....
How many designs can you make from them???? 
We LOST count!

StencilClub Members, prepared to be AMAZED! 
Andrew has done something a little different this month. There are so many ways to use these designs that he has made you a 30+ page e-book to download and save for you to try ENDLESS combinations of pattern with these stencils.

Here is Andrew to tell you a little bit about them!
Take it away Andrew!!!

Not a StencilClub member????
These are the PERFECT stencils to start with!
Get all the information  and see the benefits of the club on our website HERE.
If you are ready to join NOW, you can even do it right here on our blog up at the upper right hand side.

See you in the club!!!!


  1. So excited to get these! Tons of possibilities :D

  2. These get better every month. So glad I'm a member. Hard to wait for them!

  3. Thank-you Andrew, for your designs and the PDF! Look forward to trying them out!

  4. Wow! I love what Andrew did with his stencils! I am thrilled to know he created a PDF for us and can't wait to see it! How will we be able to access it?

    1. Hi Liz,

      The PDF will be your main lesson this month. It will be sent out on the 15th with the newsletter :)


  5. Oh I am so humbled and excited for this month's stencils. They are so great. I love this club so much. Andrew, you have done a magnificent job.

  6. Wonderfully decorate stencils for borders....or anything.

  7. I can't wait! What a great idea, Andrew! I so many ways to use them!

  8. Andrew's stencil designs are inspired and inspiring! I can't wait to get them and the PDF so that I can find lots of ways to use them.

  9. Andrew, what a great club package. Thank you for your hard work in putting a PDF together, amazing! Love your art and I am so excited to get mine this month!

  10. WOW! I can't wait….what a great addition to the collection!

  11. Can't wait! Great introductory video Andrew!

  12. These look very interesting! I'm excited to experiment and find all the different ways they can be combined and rearranged, and I'm grateful for the pdf to help with that...:) Wonderful! Thank you so much!

  13. Oooh, that's all *so* cool - thank you Andrew.

  14. Fabulous news, this is amazing!!!

  15. Thank you so much Andrew! I cannot wait to see the sample book you made for us. How do we get the book? Is it a download or will it come with your stencils on the 15th? Again, thanks for the great stencils & book.

    1. You're welcome, Suzie. It is a pdf file and downloadable.


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To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

marybeth (at) stencilgirltalk (dot com)

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