Friday, November 13, 2015

Laurie Mika: Spray Painted Muslin Bags!

StencilGirl Products is DELIGHTED to have StencilGirl Artist
Laurie Mika back on the blog today!!
Take it away, Laurie!

Recently our mixed-media art retreat group called Tesoro del Corazon,
consisting of myself, Lynn Leahy, Helen Shafer Garcia and my sister, Leslie Harris,
who is our retreat coordinator got together at Helens house to create this years
goody bags for our upcoming retreat in San Miguel de Allende during Dia de los Muertos.

Each year we make unique goody bags for our participants and this year was no exception!
We decided to use lots of StencilGirl stencils and spray paint on muslin bags!
It was truly a spray paint frenzy as we painted 40 bags! 

Each of us had our own style and brought our own stencils which created a variety of different, unique looks.

In the end all of the goody bags looked great and so did our hands!!!

You can find all of Laurie Mika's StencilGirl stencils HERE, and for TODAY ONLY...
receive 10% off any purchase of Laurie Mika's StencilGirl stencils!!

Use coupon code: MIKA10


  1. Paint and fabric is the best combination :) Lovely project...

  2. Great idea and beautiful results! Many thanks!

  3. And where did you get those muslin bags? I want to try this, but I am not motivated enough to MAKE the bags. This is a great idea!

  4. Absolutely stunning Laurie! What a fabulous idea! Have fun on your retreat!


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