Monday, February 29, 2016

Stenciling & Doodling for Relaxation & Meditation

StencilGirl Stencils are designed by many of my favorite mixed media artists!
Their stencils are versatile and beautiful!
Lately I have been using StencilGirl stencils to doodle with,
looking for patterns and making marks in random and spontaneous ways.
For me, this practice is a form of relaxation and meditation.

The materials are simple:
  • Paper or a Journal
  • StencilGirl stencils
  • Acrylic paint
  • Sponges/Paint Brushes/Stencil Brushes
  • Micron pen, Sharpie pen or any mark making tool you enjoy using

  • Put paint through the stencil onto paper/journal etc. using your preferred application method.
  • Wait for paint to dry completely.
  • Use Micron Pens, Sharpies etc. to doodle onto and around the stenciled shapes.
    Don't limit yourself to Sharpies/Microns. Use Paint pens, glitter pens, Gelly Roll pens etc.

Note:  Based on my own experiences with Micron pens...
I have ruined a few Micron Pens by not waiting for the paint to dry or writing over mediums that clog the nib.
These pens are expensive!
I have learned to use Matte Craft Paint or Gesso or Gesso Tinted Paints for writing on paint.
Glossy paint will not provide a surface for smooth application or drawing.
It is best to avoid writing over the painted area as much as possible.

Using Micron Pens: Hold Upright, Use a very light touch, avoid writing over paint, move slowly.

Below are a few photos from my journals...I hope they inspire you to stencil and doodle, too!

Happy Stenciling and Doodling!


  1. Beautiful way to use stencil for doodling !!

  2. I love this concept and this artwork!

  3. Fabulous idea! Lots of room for creative play.

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  5. Love your doodles Elise! Great job as the "Guest"!

  6. Love your doodles Elise! Great job as the "Guest"!


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