Thursday, April 26, 2018

April 2018 TBT: Mail Art & Collage

Stencil a Letter

Hi, Sandee here.

April is National Letter Writing Month which promotes joy, creativity, expression, and connection through hand-written correspondence. You can make it even bigger and bolder by including mail art (also known as postal art and correspondence art). It's a populist artistic movement centered on sending small scale works through the postal service.

If you create some make sure to post it on InstaGram using  #snailmail, #sendmoremail, #snailmailrevolution, #snailmaillove, #snailmailrevival and don't forget #stencilgirl if you use one of our fabulous stencils! 

The Bird is one from the Three Crows is a stencil created by Kimberly Baxter Packwood. For the sky I used the Wheel Spokes Set #2 Stencil by Andrew Borloz.

Sandee Setliff

No Destination in Mind

Hello, Debi saying hello.

Sometimes it's not about "making" something at all. Sometimes it's just about playing and experimenting and not making a thing to fill a niche, to giveaway or even to check a "box", but rather trying a different style or technique, making mistakes or a mess, or not. It's really about letting go.  

And this piece, it is so not my normal style but I made myself play differently. 

I pulled out Dyan's D'illusions Spray mists. I don't use them often, and now I realized, not often enough.   

I used Traci Bautista's Mark Making S558, Andrew Borloz's Kunst Masken L446  and Daniella Woolf's Prickly S351 stencils. 

I misted and smeared and colored and patted. Then I made marks and misted some more.  

Then I backed it all on a simple, stenciled, black and white substrate, (thank you Traci), and put it together and I was happy.  

I had no destination in mind but I arrived.

Debi Adams

1 comment:

  1. Sandee and Debi, GREAT job! Thank you both of you for using my stencils! :-)


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