Friday, June 8, 2018

My Favorite Art Book Mixed with StencilGirl... {Confession} by Kristin Peterson

I am going to confess..... I have piles of art books. Everything from watercolor to collage, and everything in between. Art books are like art supplies- correct?! When you see a new one, you must have it for the studio?

So as my art book pile grows, I do have to say that I have a few that are favorites. You know the ones, dog-ear'd pages, words high-lighted and never where it is supposed to be because you re-read one chapter or section again and laid the book down somewhere else now. One of those kinds of favorite books for me is a book by Jane Davies called Abstract Painting: The Elements of Visual Language.

Let me show you a little about why this book is a favorite and how I use some of my StencilGirl stencils.

Stencils I used: 

Speckles and Spots by Carolyn Dube
May 2015 StencilClub by Mary Beth Shaw
August 2013 StencilClub by Mary Beth Shaw

I hope you enjoyed watching my process and how I use the stencils and seeing a glimpse into one of my favorite art books!


Kristin Peterson


  1. I really enjoyed seeing your process, and the final results as well. How do you get your gesso so smooth - do you apply it with a foam roller?

  2. I love your abstract art and thanks for sharing your process with us all Kristin!


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