Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Dog Days of Summer - Floorcloth for Milo

August in Virginia has been hot and humid; we are indeed in the dog days of summer! Milo, our Napoleonic terrier (maybe Tibetan?), is not a big fan of either the rain we have been having nor the heat. He was first rescued by a friend and we later adopted him. He recently injured his leg, has been on meds and requires his walk as physical therapy. So while I wait for paint or gesso to dry, he and I do our loop of the neighborhood. He is recuperating well, limping less every day. So while he could really care less, he was the inspiration for a new mat for his bowls. 

Floorcloths have been around for centuries. They are basically made of heavy canvas that has been thickened or reinforced with gesso, decoratively painted and then sealed with a varnish. The video below will explain the steps I took to make this small floorcloth, but they are similar to those I take for much larger projects.  

Final mat, @14.5" x 18.5"
For this project, I used Kristie Taylor's Diamond Dots (L539) for the background and Maria McGuire's Doodle It Borders (L348) and Doodle It Bigger (L347) stencils for the border.



  1. Poor Milo, with his injury. I hope he's better by now!
    What a wonderfully detailed video! Thank you for sharing your process in making this beautiful floorcloth!

  2. What a beautiful floorcloth! I do hope Milo is doing better!


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