Wednesday, August 28, 2019

IKEA HACK: Mod Studio Organizer using StencilGirl Stencils

Hi, everyone! Silvia Souza here! I can get lost binge watching Netflix British house and craft shows.  An upcycling show, Money for Nothing, featured Zoe Murphy from Margate. Zoe’s work inspired this project.  Her style is bright, clean, and very mod. She refits old pieces and makes them cheerful and fab.

I cheated and instead of refurbishing an older piece of furniture in need of love, I bought a small storage cabinet from IKEA that I am sure is loved by many an artist and craftsperson, the MOPPE.

First I sanded the piece, inside and out using 100 and 220 grit.  I did extra sanding so the pieces would fit once painted and varnished.  Then I painted the drawers each entirely with a different color. I used Golden fluids. 
I then stenciled a different design on each drawer using Titanium White on all.
I used these stencils: 
Field of Eyes Layer MeConnected Eyes Layer Me
Leaves and Berries
I may not have been as careful as I should have been in applying the paint. But from mistakes, come opportunities. I then lined up the drawers the way I wanted them to be in the unit, taped them together and using Leaves and Berries I traced the stencil and then painted it in Mars Black.
After a bit of re-touch and adding elements to balance the composition, I gave the drawer fronts a couple of coats of gloss varnish, while they were still taped together.
I wanted to keep the contrast between the unfinished wood and the glossy drawer fronts.  
This makes a nice studio or sewing room organizer. You can add feet or do more than one MOPPE and stack them. The possibilities are endless. 
As you can tell from the background in some of the photos, this IKEA hack will be added to the many others in the studio (the table I worked on was originally an IKEA changing table that now has a tray pull out system underneath) and will be put to good use when I do a much needed clean up and re-organization of my space!


  1. Really love this idea Silvia. Looks beautiful and so functional! Very creative!

  2. Very handsome organizer! And not so difficult to make! Thanks for sharing your method.

  3. Awesome idea and execution! The your color and design choices Silvia!

  4. This is so hip and cool! Thanks so much for a great idea...and using an IKEA piece-brilliant!

  5. missed the first line where you say hello silvia here - but mid way through I think to myself...this has to be silvia. Yep! Love it!!!!


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