Friday, November 8, 2019

Daniella Woolf: Using Travel as a Muse for Stencils

For many years I’ve been traveling for teaching, and lately for vacations. The simple joy of meeting people and visiting other cultures broadens my perspective (and my waist line!) Effortlessly my mind slips into hunting out interesting shapes and patterns. Well actually, that is what my mind does all the time, but it’s even more fun in a new environment.

This past spring we traveled to Morocco. It was yet another feast for the eyes. Art is everywhere, sacred geometry at every turn, and pattern, pattern, pattern. Our perfect tour guide, Fattah, is a local Santa Cruz person, born in Morocco. He is a musician par excellence and an over-the-top tour leader. He is so well known in Morocco that people stop him in the streets and ask to have their photos taken with him! StencilGirl® has chosen 3 new images from that trip. Stay tuned for the new releases from Morocco!

If all goes according to plan, the day this post is published, I’ll be returning from Mexico from a Day of the Dead tour, with yet another fabulous guide from Santa Cruz, Betsy McNair of My Mexico Tours. Does this sound like an infomercial for tour guides from Santa Cruz?

On my trips I can easily take 1000 photos a day. You know when you’re traveling and shooting photos on your phone, and just when you’re about to take that perfect shot, a message pops up that you are out of storage-especially when the image is one you’ve just gotta have? Then you start flipping through photos to delete, so you can quickly take more photos, right now?

Here’s a tip-I learned from taking a Photography workshop at the Apple Store. I pay 2.99 per month for 200 GB of iCloud storage, more than I could ever possibly use. I am unashamed to tell you that I have over 30k photos on my phone and therefore all related devices. I used to burn CD’s after every trip and put them in a binder to get more space on my phone. Now I have access to all images on any device at any time. Consider spending this paltry amount and shooting whenever you want free from worries and anxiety.

I thought you might enjoy seeing the original photo with its corresponding stencil, artwork from the stencil, and learning what country it’s from. A cool feature on the StencilGirl® website is that you can see alternative views of artwork done with each stencil. You may get some great ideas on how to use each stencil.

Guitars were on a display rack at an outdoor pavilion in San Antonio, Texas.
This stencil comes in a large rectangle and a smaller, square format.

Seoul Night is from the image of white fabric strung between the sides of a large stadium at a Design Conference in the outskirts of Seoul, Korea. It has a corresponding stencil, Seoul Day.

Face-It was from a poster of zillions photographs of people, I saw in Australia.

Woolf Calligraphy was from the facade of a building in Istanbul, Turkey.

Trident is a photo sculpture at the Trident Hotel in Mumbai, India.
And there is a corresponding stencil, Trident Invert.

You’ll be hearing again from me next month on more stencils inspired by travel!
Daniella Woolf

1 comment:

  1. This is really interesting! I, too, take thousands of photos when I travel. It's interesting to see how you've converted or adapted some of them to become great stencils. Congrats!


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