Friday, November 1, 2019

Revealed: Mary Beth Shaw & Pam Carriker did a Mash-Up for November 2019 StencilClub!

Oh Yeah! The StencilGirl knows, you are excited so let's get right to that reveal!

The mini and the small are cool and that woman with a Mona Lisa smile, oh la la! 

INFO / JOIN StencilClub

Each month, you get the following:
  • one 9" x 12" EXCLUSIVE stencil. 
  • one 6" x 6" EXCLUSIVE stencil.
  • one 4" x 4" EXCLUSIVE stencil.

This month, you get 2 videos! One from Pam and one from Mary Beth! Here's a peek at what Pam will share with club members how to create:

  • An EXCLUSIVE video for MEMBERS ONLY provided by the designing artist. It's a class in itself!
  • A downloadable PDF with basic instructions to go along with the video for that month.

What are the other perks of membership? Glad you asked!

  • Entrance into a SECRET Facebook group for MEMBERS ONLY! A place to share, inspire and talk all about stencils!
  • Plus, as a MEMBER, you are eligible to purchase ANY past month for the membership price. 

  • For every month you are in the club, you will receive a 20% coupon code (one time use) for the StencilGirl Products website (regular stencil purchases only).

StencilClub stencils ship November 15th. Christmas is coming. StencilClub makes a great gift! INFO/JOIN


If you are entering a GIVEAWAY, please add your email address in the event we need to contact you.

To avoid SPAM, please write it like this:

marybeth (at) stencilgirltalk (dot com)

Thank You!