Wednesday, April 1, 2020

StencilClub Reveal for April 2020: Mark Making by Cat Kerr

StencilGirl® is delighted to reveal Cat Kerr's first-ever StencilClub set! She designed it based on some of her favorite marks for use in her art journal and mixed media art.

The large 9"x12" stencil includes 6 motifs long lines with zig-zags and dots that overflow into their own area, brackets, random Xs marking spots upon spots, lines with straight tracks, and a section of lines with half-drops.

The receding pattern of the mini 4"x4" stencil draws the eye inward while the somewhat bird-footed tracks of the small 6"x6" stencil are headed right to left or up and down.

Here's Cat to tell you all about her designs exclusively for StencilClub members.

Are you ready for StencilClub?! In addition to the stencils on April 15th, you'll receive a StencilClub Newsletter with the project video and PDF Cat made especially for members, as well as access to our art community on Facebook, a monthly loyalty coupon, and other perks. 

You can find out more and join.

BONUS! Cat has made an extra video extra you can enjoy right now that showcases the versatility of these stencils used alone and in combination as a background.

These stencils ship out April 15th!

You can join StencilClub HERE.

Click here for stencils in the public collection designed by Cat Kerr.

1 comment:

  1. I’m so excited! Where can we find the bonus video? When I click on the photos, her samples, it brings me to the stencil products page? Thanks!


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