Thursday, July 2, 2020

Dream Imagine Inspire with 12" x 24" Stencils by Trish McKinney

Use these 12" x 24" masks as Trish has, to connect the smaller shapes and patterns of her large stencils in a creative, fun, reimagined way on full sheets of watercolor paper.

Dream Imagine Inspire Create

Dream Imagine Inspire is a mask Trish has been incorporating into her art for some time and she felt it was high time to share it and StencilGirl did too.

Trish says that when used with other stencil masks she has created, these 4 extra-large stencils represent, "A new way to incorporate the important design principals of variance, repetition, and integration into the stencil-rich backgrounds of my Party On My Paper series of paintings."


Wisteria, and Wisteria Loops are based on the wild, intricate patterns of wisteria vines.
Wisteria, G026, 12" x 24"

Radiance by This McKinney

Wisteria Loops

What will happen in the loops? Only the artist knows.

Wisteria Loops, G027, 12" x 24"

Secrets by Trish McKinney


This mask features an entwined thicket of branches.

Branches, G024, 12" x 24"

Earthly by Trish McKinney

The white part is the mylar and the black area is where the paint goes.

You can check out all of Trish's stencil designs right here, including companion stencils to these designs. 


  1. With so many people cutting up their stencils into smaller pieces, this giant stencil is a revelation. What beautiful work you're doing in the video!

  2. I happened to be going thru the StencilGirl website before I ever saw this post -- and these new stencils jumped out at me! I placed my order faster than "Bob's your uncle!"

  3. Great stencils. I love all the examples. The art work is beautiful. The first stencil is my favorite.


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