Saturday, October 17, 2020

Children, Our Future with Liberty & Justice for All

StencilGirl®  is delighted to release new heartfelt designs by Cynthia Silveri: Children, Our Future, and Liberty & Justice for All.

Cynthia writes about the Children, Our Future Stencil: "I believe that, as adults, it is our duty to be a good example to/for the children around us. Having a three-year-old granddaughter at this moment in time brings into focus (and reminds me!) just how much children absorb from what they see and hear going on around them. I need only say something one time and Mia repeats it. It is easy to lose sight of this! So, as a parent, as a grandparent, or extended family member, as teachers, etc. we need to stay cognizant of our speech and behavior. Today's children ARE our future. If we expect change in the world, we need to start at home.

"This stencil (S830) and mask (S829) represent the handprints of children of today-the outer two rings are the "majority" reaching to the center where the "minority" smaller hands reach out. 

"Each unique handprint represents the individuality of each person-because it is in accepting each person's individuality that we can achieve unity. The circle represents unity-yet within that unity there is diversity, and without diversity we are nothing. As Americans, we ARE the epitome of diversity, my hope is that we can learn to accept each other's individual differences with love and respect, and in doing so teach the same to our children."

Cynthia conceived her Liberty & Justice for All Stencil (S832) back in July of 2020. She writes: "On the eve of Independence Day, our country’s 244th birthday, I can’t help but feel sadness at the cancellation of many celebrations around the country. Last night, as I drove through the small town where I live, the streets were lined with flags-put there by a troop of scouts most likely-and I thought about the importance of our flag as a powerful symbol of America’s unity. 

"The Pledge of Allegiance popped into my head as did a remembrance of the daily gathering at the flag pole at my elementary school to raise the flag: I pledge my allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

"My heart is broken these many years later, as I see Americans so divided on so many issues, and that for many Americans, there has been little liberty and justice.

"The flag filling the heart shape represents my hope that our country can come together with true liberty and justice for all. The “contorted” image of the flag represents our continued struggle to achieve this end."

You can see all of Cynthia Silveri's stencil designs by at or by clicking any of the pictures in this post.

1 comment:

  1. Cynthia, I cannot tell you how strongly I agree with the sentiments expressed here! Your stencils and artwork are just wonderful, of course! And your daughter and granddaughter are beautiful. It's a special blessing to live in a "mixed-race" family, and at the same time it's our challenge and privilege to reach out in love with the message that there is really only one race ... human. :-)


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