Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Mary Beth Shaw's VLOG: January 2021

We hope you enjoyed this episode of Mary Beth's VLOG!

Stay tuned!
Mary Beth Shaw will be back again next month with another new VLOG post!


  1. Love these responses to questions we almost all have!

  2. What a brilliant use of Pinterest:)

  3. Here's a question that bothers me, I hope this is the correct place to post it. How much is too much when incorporating stencils into a piece of work - is there a point when there is not enough of your own originality?

  4. Love this new vlog. I liked your response to taking small bits of time to do some art. The blocks of time is so hard to do.

  5. Loved hearing these tips. Sometimes we do things and don't even realize they have a purpose. Like the idea book. I did that when i first started my interest in art. I didn't even realize they were for art ideas. And now going back I can see changes and consistency. So interesting


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