Thursday, February 3, 2022

Guest Designer: Jenny Manno

Hi Friends,

My name is Jenny Manno and I have been an art teacher for over 25 years and I could not wait to get these stencils into my hot little hands!! I am THRILLED to have had the opportunity to work and play with these GORGEOUS StencilGirl stencils!! I used some of my all-time FAVORITE mediums to create this week’s HOW TO TUESDAY’S lesson for my YouTube channel. When I combined these stencils with Stabilo Carbothello chalk pastel pencils, Pan Pastels, Gesso, black and white charcoal I knew that I had a winning combination.

I am an abstract portrait artist. I practice and explore the process of making mixed media portraits with a plethora of medium choices….and Stencils are an amazing “GO TO” option when creating abstract portraits/artwork.  The opportunities are endless because the StencilGirl stencils are so versatile and play alongside other mediums beautifully. They bring depth, texture, energy, and personality to a piece and always have an element of surprise.

It is my honor to get the opportunity to share with you another way to use StencilGirl® Products.

YouTube link for this lesson:

List of stencils used:

I had a complete blast brainstorming about what my lesson was going to be, and I look forward to seeing your version of it!  

Happy Arting!!

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