Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Anouk (Creanouk) - Journal with me during naptime

Hello you beautiful artist! Anouk here to share an art journal page that I made in a journal that I've been calling my 'naptime' journal.

Our son is currently three months old, so my time to journal has become very limited to his naptime. If I'm lucky he sleeps around twenty minutes before he wakes up and needs my attention again. I've dedicated a small A6 junk journal for the few moments that I can spare journaling during the time that he sleeps.

The way that I work in this journal is very similar to my 5 minutes journal. I like to use big elements to fill up the page quickly and work in multiple but simple layers to create more depth. The only difference with this journal is that I don't limit myself to a certain amount of time. I'll keep this journal open on my desk so I can work on a page whenever I can.

For this page I used the Medallion stencil by Jessica Sporn and Rembrandt's Words by Carolyn Dube.

I picked out a colour scheme form my creative log book and prepped my page with some clear gesso. My naptime journal is made of tea dyed vintage papers so if I use clear gesso to prime the pages for any wet mediums.
The colour scheme I'm working with is Ultramarine Violet mixed with Titanium White, Heather from Dina Wakley, Napels Yellow Red and Napthol Red Deep mixed with Titanium White.

With the Ultramarine Violet mixed with Titanium White I stencil the Medallion stencil on the entire page. Using a big stencil on a small page really makes the statement I'm looking for when I'm journaling for only a few minutes. 

I wanted to create the feeling that the Medallion stencil would emerge from the bottom. So I glued down some book paper, tea bags and cardstock with Mod Podge Matt.

With the help of a pallet knife and my fingers I spread some white Gesso on the page. I used the white Gesso to make the collage blend in more and to make a few area's a little bit lighter. The Gesso also helps to create a nice texture for my next layer.

Currently my favourite part of journaling is to add some coffee. I know I'm addicted. During my pregnancy I got so sick from the smell off the coffee mixed with the old papers, but that didn't stopped me from using it on every single page. Ha! Luckily for me I can know use it again without any problems.

Now it's time to add some more colour! From my colour scheme I'm using Heather from Dina Wakley, Napels Yellow Red and Napthol Red Deep mixed with Titanium White. Applying it with my fingers to get that nice soft blended look.

I wanted to add a bit more detail to the bottom of the page, so with a bit of gesso I stencilled Rembrandt's Words.

For journaling I typed a quote on an old book page that I prepped with a layer of white Gesso. I really like how the letters from the book page are still peeking through the Gesso.

For the final finishing touch I hand stitched the edge of the right page.


Product List:
Handmade Journal
Book Paper
Dried Tea Bags and Fabrics
Mod Podge - Matt
Amsterdam - White Gesso
Amsterdam - Clear Gesso
Instant Coffee
Vintage Typewriter

Dina Wakley Acyrlic Paint - Heather
Amsterdam Acylic Paint - Ultramarine Violet
Amsterdam Acylic Paint - Napthol Red Deep
Amsterdam Acylic Paint - Napels Yellow Red
Amsterdam Acylic Paint - Titanium White

Thank you so much for reading my blog post. I hope that I have inspired you to create today! My name is Anouk or Creanouk on social media, and I'm an all-round creative from the Netherlands. I love art journaling because I can put my heart and soul into it. You can find my work on Instagram and Youtube.

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