Thursday, April 13, 2023

Help us Welcome Back Sarah Gardner to the StencilGirl Family!

Sarah's first collection is called "Doodle Vocabulary" and are inspired by smaller versions of the doodles she has used to make collage materials, finishing touches in her art journal, and shareable art, like postcards, ATCs, and zines. Sarah keeps a little notebook where she can log these doodles, a kind of glossary of the ones she loves and uses most often. Some of these doodles are featured in a chapter of her book: “Share Your Joy: Inspired Mixed Media Shareable Art!” 

Sarah had a lot of fun creating larger versions of her doodles as stencils.  They are great to use with acrylics in traditional stenciling, on your gel plate to add texture and pattern to prints, as well as for playing with spray paints or inks. Use them to add a graphic touch to backgrounds, finishing details to mixed media projects, and more!


The smaller doodle that inspired this stencil is usually a single squiggly line that Sarah makes without lifting the pen. Squiggle Doodle is an exaggeration of this idea. The stenciled pattern is not only bigger, it has more dimension than the original doodle. It’s dynamic, fun, and has a graphic quality that adds movement and playfulness.

The four patterns featured are inspired by doodles in Sarah's notebook. “Woven,” “Drops,” “Lines of Scallops,” and “Concrete Cracks,” are larger versions of these doodles. Even though the stencil for each one of these doodles is small (roughly 4.5 by 6 inches), you can use the stencil to link sections together to create overall pattern, or a band of pattern across your project. (The video shows how I do this). Or, stencil just a part of one of the doodles to add an interesting element to your layered work.

About Sarah

I’m Sarah Gardner, also known as Juicy*S. I live with my family in a small surf town called Cardiff by the Sea, in Southern California. I'm a practicing lawyer, a cancer (tongue) survivor, and a self-taught mixed media artist and teacher.


Juicy*S is my DJ name. I'm not a DJ. I would love to be a DJ. It's one of my fantasy, dream jobs! I got this name when my sister, my friend, and I were slinging paint and working in our art journals, sipping wine, and keeping track of the funny things we were saying on a "sign-in" sheet...just craziness. We all ended up with a DJ name that day. I started my first art blog in 2009 with this name, and I've had it ever since.


Working in my art journal and making lots of shareable art (postcards, ATCs, zines, and more!), I've followed what excites me, gone through some trial and error, practiced, and discovered my own creative style. Through all the years I’ve been making stuff, I’ve learned that what gives me joy is the process of creating, not the “perfect” end result. I still want things to turn out in a way that I like, but perfection isn't the motivating force or the unkind dictator in my head anymore. 


I believe that creating, transforming art supplies into something new, attending to the little choices I make along the way, focusing on the process instead of the result, is a mindfulness practice. That’s why creativity is my self care.  I hope to share creativity as a way to well-being, helping others quiet their perfectionistic inner critics.


I am the author of Share Your Joy: Inspired Mixed Media Shareable Art, in which I share my mail art journey and lots of fun shareable art projects. Creating gives me joy, sharing my art with others is sharing that joy. Teaching and writing a book are ways to share my joy, too. And so is designing stencils! 


One of my mixed media mottos is “When in doubt, use a stencil!” I was honored to be a StencilGirl® Creative Team Member in 2021-2022. I use many StencilGirl® stencils in the projects in my book! And I am thrilled to be among all of the wonderful artists who have designed stencils for StencilGirl®.


Find out more about me and my offerings on my website:

Sarah's designs are available now at

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