Thursday, March 13, 2014

StencilClub: Maps & Ampersands

Hi! Mary Nasser here today to show you what I did with the EXCLUSIVE
March 2014 StencilClub stencils designed by Mary Beth Shaw!

Have I mentioned lately how brilliant I think Mary Beth is?
These March StencilClub stencils are wonderful – they're so open to a range of different interpretations!
When I looked at these stencils, I saw both fonts and fabulous geometric shapes to incorporate into my art.

First, I couldn’t wait to add shapes from the 9” x 12” stencils to one of my unfinished aerial landscape map paintings.
This painting is acrylic on stretched canvas, but needed something more.

I used Wendy Vecchi’s gold and silver embossing pastes to add parts of the 9” x 12” stencil to my work.
I added gold squares and rectangles, and two little silver triangles, too.

I really like the finished look I got once I added these!

I played with the mini stencil, too, adding colorful ampersands to coasters!
I used artist tape to keep the stencil in place on the coaster, grabbed my ink sweeper and heavy body acrylic and pounced away!
The mini stencil works perfectly on these 4-inch square coasters:

Aren’t they cute?
Going to give these to Mary Beth tomorrow when I visit her at her studio!

Ready to sign up for StencilClub and play with these new stencils, too?
You can subscribe right here on our blog at the top on the right hand side!

See you Monday when I’m back playing with one of Carolyn Dube’s new stencils!
Mary C. Nasser


  1. This is beautiful work, Mary! I think this is your best map art ever -- and that's really saying something since your others have thrilled me too. And I love Mary Beth's stencils, especially the one you used on those fantastic coasters -- what a lovely design!

    1. Wow! Thank you so much, Cecilia! What a compliment!
      So glad you encouraged me to stencil on coasters! :)

  2. Ohhhh Your Ampersand Coasters are Fabulous!!! And I love the gold embossing paste on your canvas too. Such crisp clean edges. Beautiful Mary! MB is pretty brilliant with her designs!

    1. Thank you, Janet! :) Yes, MB's stencil designs never disappoint! :)

  3. these pieces. The map reminds me of when the plane is coming into the Sao Paulo airport and I look down on all the patches and shades of the red and brown farms here, usually with a river running through the land. Just beautiful. And I love love love the coasters. Are they neon?

    1. Thank you so much, Michael! That's the idea I was inspired aerial landscape!
      The coasters are painted with bright Amterdam acrylics in Turquoise Green, Permanent Red Violet LIght, Azo Orange and Ultramarine Violet Light. :)

  4. Mary, I just love those fabulous coasters!

  5. The stencils you used work perfectly with your map painting!
    (I also love the idea of stenciling on coasters... Very cool!)

  6. I love how the stencils worked on your painting, and the coasters are cute!

    1. Thank you, Helen! Both the painting and coasters were lots of fun to make!

  7. Wonderful work Mary, adorable coasters. Those stencils are taking you in a whole new direction yet keeping true to your style!..... Love it!

    Hugs Giglges

  8. always love to visit here, happy PPF, Mary!

  9. Love the combination of techniques, works wonderful together.
    Lovely work Mary.

    Annabelle : )

  10. Happy Paint Party Friday! Beautiful work...stencils are so much fun but you really make them look amazing. Thanks for sharing. Have a great rest of the weekend!! Tam

  11. Stopping by from the Inspire Me Monday blog link-up. I absolutely love your coasters! I'm looking for stencils for some projects, so I have a feeling I'll be coming back for more!


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