Monday, May 30, 2016

Embroidery with StencilGirl Stencils!

Hi, Elise Buskey here today to show you a couple of Embroidery Samplers I made
with cloth that I altered using StencilGirl Stencils!
The stencil designs are so beautiful that they can stand alone without much meddling from me!

I used acrylic paint, texture paste, discharge paste and Softscrub with stencils to decorate cloth.
I also Tea Dyed some of the painted fabric.
The cloth will be cut into pieces and will find a home in the art quilts that I make.

I do not plan or design ahead of time. I grabbed stencils and supplies and worked randomly. I took photos of the process and added text to explain what each photo is about. I think it is easier to show rather than tell so I will let the photos do the work for me.

Here is the larger Sampler that I made. I am exploring color so I grabbed fabric randomly and sewed the pieces together just to see what would happen. I was surprised to see that I had only one piece of pink fabric in the whole pc since it is my favorite color.  As I embellished the piece, I noticed pink cloth was my go to choice. Interesting that when I just randomly grabbed fabric, no pink was selected.

Below you will find the rest of the photos. Hope you enjoy them and please ask any questions you have.
Thank you and have a great day!


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