Monday, July 4, 2016

StenciGirl Hot Glue Jewelry Box!

Hi, everyone! Cyndi Cesare of CeeCee Studio here!
Today we're doing a mixed media project, using hot glue, acrylic paint, and my favorite stencils from StencilGirl!

List of Supplies:
Wooden jewelry box from craft store
Liquitex Black Gesso
Americana Paints - Bahama Blue, Peack Blue, Citron Green, Chiffon Blue
DecoArt Media - Cerulean Blue, Cobalt Teal
Liquitex Basics - Cobalt Black, Raw Umber
Hot Glue gun and Glue sticks
Stencils from StencilGirl - Tracy Bautista's Floral 1 stencil
Krylon Spray Varnish to seal the box.



  1. BEAUTIFUL....thank you so much for sharing!!! I'm going to try that ASAP!
    funkifinds (at) cfl.rr (dot com)

  2. Great idea. Need to try this.

  3. Great technique! I love it! HOpe it works on wooden cigar boxes. Thank you.

  4. love this!! i will be doing this project!! thank you!

  5. This is great! I’ll book mark this blog for future references. I’m glad I bump in to this blog. Buy Designer Jewelry Online

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