Friday, June 23, 2017

Guest Designer Kim Dellow: What Are Your Favorite Ways To Use Your StencilGirl Stencils?

I've got a question for you! What are your favorite ways to use your StencilGirl stencils? I would really love to hear. As a fellow StencilGirl fan I am sure you have lots of amazing techniques to share with me today don't you?

But wait, hold up! I haven't introduced myself yet! Hi, I'm Kim Dellow and I'm an artist, blogger and designer based in London, United Kingdom and I am a self-confessed mixed media addict! I thought for my guest post today here on the StencilGirl blog that I would share with you a challenge I set myself using the Seth Apter Alpha Drips and Number Drips stencils. That challenge was to build an art journal page background using five different techniques using just these two stencils.
This is where favorite stencil techniques come in. I have a couple of tried and tested techniques that we all know and love in my list of five techniques that I am sharing in my video of this art journal page today, but there are also a couple of my personal totally top favorite methods in there too, like stencil printing and using stencils to make resists.
So if you were going to use the Seth Apter Alpha Drips and Number Drips stencils to make an art journal page background, what five techniques would you use? Let me know! Either comment here on the StencilGirl blog or come over to my YouTube channel and leave me a comment or you can leave a comment on my blog.

Better still, grab these two stencils and use five techniques to make your next art journal page background and share it with both StencilGirl and myself over on Instagram (@stencilgirl_products, @kimdellow) or Facebook (StencilGirl Products, Kim Dellow Design)! I know I can't wait to see it!

Kim Dellow, art and craft lifestyle blogger and designer, has a passion for sharing her latest art obsessions. She is regularly published in magazines and provides online content for many well-known companies both inside and outside of the art and craft industry. Self-taught and naturally inquisitive, Kim is never happier than when she is throwing paint around and sharing the results.


  1. Great techniques Kim. And thanks a million for using my stencils in this cool journal page.

  2. The techniques that you have used to sketch the designs, are really wonderful that made these designs good looking.

  3. I think that you do everything in right form and feel the colors and design. Continue in the same way, you are great!

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