Friday, January 26, 2018

Wendy Aikin: Crazed For Fabric

Hi, this is Wendy Aikin.  Today I used a stencil I designed a while ago.  I normally work with encaustic, but today I’m playing with fiber and paint to create my own unique fabric design for a pillow.   I just moved into a little farmhouse and my guest room is yellow and black – the inspiration for my color choices.  The pillow will look perfect – once I unpack the sewing machine!

            Jacquard Textile Color Fabric Paint (yellow & black)
            Stencil brush
            Medium weight muslin sized for your project
            Crazed Stencil

Step One: If you are using a lightweight fabric tape it to a protected work surface.

Step Two: Determine your design and tape down the stencil.

Step Three: Apply paint using a stencil brush.

Step Four: Gently remove the tape and lift the stencil.

Hint: Before you wash the stencil, blot it on piece of paper to start an additional project. We'll use this for a project I share next month on StencilGirl Talk!

Step Five: If desired, wash and dry the stencil and repeat until you have the desired design.

Step Six: If you have used textile paint by Jacquard, be sure to follow the directions to set the color. 

Here’s a short time lapse video showing the stenciling:

Now I’m off to try and find the sewing machine so I can actually make a pillow out of this amazing fabric!

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