Friday, November 27, 2020

StencilGirl® Products Tutorial by Pamela Caughey

"It must be Fall," Acrylic, Mixed Media, 12" x 12" on Baltic Birch Panel


StencilGirl® Stencils of your choice (I used Open Bare Wisteria Vine, Tall Beach Grass and Thicket Background)
Acrylic Polymer Medium (I use Golden Polymer Medium Gloss)
Parchment Paper
Scissors and cutting mat
Spray Paint (I used Liquitex Acrylic Spray Paint)
Baltic Birch panel (or other painting support)
White Gesso (I used Golden White Gesso)
Paintbrush or sponge brush to apply 2-5 coats of Polymer medium to Parchment paper


1)      Coat a sheet of parchment paper with 2-5 coats – depending on how thick you would like your vinyl/acrylic stencil transfers to be. I only used 2 layers in the video and the stencils were thin; if you want them a little heavier, just use a few more coats of the acrylic polymer medium before using the spray paint.

2)      Gather your stencils and place them on the dried sheet of parchment paper with acrylic medium.

3)      Shake up your spray paint and spray over the stencil, taped in place (use low tack tape like blue painter’s tape to hold stencil in place).

4)      Once the spray paint is dry, cut your vinyl/acrylic stencil transfers into any shapes you want!

5)      Peel off the parchment layer, and use polymer medium to collage these pieces onto your painting support. (*Note, if you get air bubbles, you can work them out while the polymer is wet, or cut with a sharp razor blade when dry and brush polymer medium over these areas to seal.)

I hope you will enjoy this fun process of personalizing your stencils
and using them to make stencil transfers as collage material!

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool. I definitely will try. Thanks for sharing.


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