Thursday, September 23, 2021

Don't Resist the Urge to Play - Peg Robinson

Hi, It is Peg and the name of the game is play. As many of you know me by now, I’m an experimenter. I get excited just stepping into the studio and seeing all the fun surfaces and supplies for play.

One of my favorite things to do when creating is to just get out products and play. On this particular day I decided to play with different resist techniques. I had watched Mary Beth Shaw using petroleum jelly and I knew I had some of that on the shelf. But then again, I have a lot of different things. So ultimately what I decided to reach for were  different surfaces and  different products to create a  resist on the surface and to see just what effects I could achieve.

 For surfaces I pulled out some watercolor postcards. rice paper and specialty stamping paper along with some stickers. For resist technique products, I started with clear gesso and a white scribble stick. Then I decided to try some watermark inks and some spray resist from Ranger products. I used both Judikins wax and petroleum jelly and I have to say they both work just fine.

Try resist with watermark ink on a variety of papers

Stencils with multiple products, wax, crayons and spray stains.

Clear Gesso Resist on sticker sheet.

Multiple Papers drying 

Sticker Paper

Specialty Paper with iZink spray on first layer.

Ranger Specialty Stamping Paper Resist

Watercolor Post Card

Watercolor Paper Resist on Postcards with resist spray and waxy mediums.

Rice Paper with spray resist.

I did a short video of my process so you can watch me at play.

My motto is use what you have. If you are anything like me, you have been collecting art supplies for a long time. I always think they are so cool and are offering me new and different approaches to my work. Depending on the look you were going for, you can either leave the ink sitting on top of the resist for a mottled effect or you can take a wet towel and wipe it back. I hope you look at the things that you have in your space and pull out products that have not been visited in a while and see if you can create a work of art using resist  techniques with what you have around. I was pleased with the results from my day of play. I was able to break out some of my newest stencils and a few of my tried and true favorites.

 Here is a list of them just in case you need to check your stash of fabulous StencilGirl designs to make sure you have your favorites or need to add a few to your collection.

S377 Missigman Travel Note

S869 Evans Abstract Botanical Grid

S864 Swatton Abstract Composition BackBones Mask1

S874 Duelos Terrazzo

S884 Apter Glyph Grid

S885 Apter Symbol

L605 Bautista Soulful Scribbles Dots Dashes

Jan 19 Shaw Apter Mashup from Stencil Club

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