Thursday, June 22, 2023

Check out the latest designs from Linda Edkins Wyatt!

Linda Edkins Wyatt’s Picnic Check stencil, S957, was inspired by medieval flags. The small heart shapes surrounding the diamond, as well as the paintbrush shapes inside the rectangles, add whimsy to the hard-edge geometric shapes. This design complements and contrasts with the flowing, abstract designs in her previous collections.

Linda Edkins Wyatt’s Woodcut Garden, S958, was created from several of her hand-carved stamps, and is a companion to Woodcut Mix, M335. The flowing leafy and floral shapes were designs she constantly doodled, so she carved them into stamps, printed them together in an allover arrangement, then interpreted the new pattern as a stencil. It coordinates nicely with some of her small geometric patterns from the Wyatt ATC Mix Up, L852.

Linda Edkins Wyatt’s Paper Doll stencil, S959, was inspired by her childhood love of paper dolls, especially Betsy McCall. As a child, it frustrated her that the paper dolls were stiff and unmovable, so she designed this stencil to have movable parts, allowing the dolls to express the feelings and energy of the person creating the doll. The dots can be poked with a needle or awl, and a small brad will join the pieces, keep the limbs together, yet allow for movement and pose-ability, and inspire storytelling.

Linda's stencils are available now at

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