Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Stencil FUNdamental Using Lots of Color

Carolyn Dube here from with another FUNdamental video.  It's all about getting lots and lots of color on one stencil without having to mask a thing.  

Andrea Matus DeMeng's Dia de los Muertos Mask Stencil was the perfect stencil adding color.  Dia de los Muertos.  Not sure what that is?  It the Day of the Dead.  Click here to find out more about it on Wikipedia.

Technical issues with the video at the technicians are working diligently....thanks for your patience...

Carolyn Dube


  1. the audio is coming out badly on this one, you seem to have an echo or a double audio track??

    1. Hi Gill--
      So are checking into it. Luckily Carolyn does such a good job with the videos that just watching what she is doing is fantastic!


  2. Great info here. Carolyn really rocks this stencil.
    I think what's interesting about the audio "glitch" is that her tracks are overlapping as she's talking about using small sponges so as NOT to overlap the color! Does anyone else see the irony here?!?!?! ;)


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