Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Matisse Inspired Journal by Sunila & Aditi


Hope you are well! Today we are back with another tutorial for you! This month's theme Pastiche is very interesting. It allows us the freedom to imitate the style of another artist. 

For our project, we were inspired by Henri Matisse's artwork. We love the use of vibrant colors and collage layers. 

We decided to create a journal page and here's a look at our page.

Here's the video tutorial to create this page:

We wanted to use stencil layers to mimic the cut-out effect of his paintings. We created a vibrant background with paint and stencil layers. We've used the following stencils- M232 Twisting Beach Grass by Trish mcKinney, S325 Seoul Night by Daniella Woolf, S509 Pixels by Rae Missigman, L736 Leafy Doodle Border by Valerie Sjodin and L764 Celtic Sprirals Mask by Valerie Sjodin.  

We added our Matisse Signature focal using the stencil L725 A Conversation with Matisse by Carolyn Dube.

Supplies used:

Dina Wakley Acrylics- Lemon, Cheddar, Sedona, Ruby, Olive, Evergreen, Lapis 

Hope you've enjoyed this project!


Sunila & Aditi

1 comment:

  1. I love the Matisse cut-out art works, especially the giant murals. My introduction to them, a long time ago, was an exhibit with a huge collection of them, and it was really impressive. I loved the way he had assistants paint the huge pieces of art paper with durable paint before he cut because colored paper would have faded quickly, and his art was for the long term.

    It's interesting how you are using the ideas.

    be safe... mae at maefood.blogspot.com


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